Pre- Launch announcement- Launch date imminent!
UK Sofa is a unique UK web browser service that connects your device, no matter where in the world you are based*, direct to the internet from your own (real) UK Sofa.
In reality you are connected to a UK internet connection point via a virtual digital “tunnel” that links your device direct to the UK web precisely as you would if you were located in the UK.
Unlike a VPN service, with UK Sofa your “sofa” has its very own, totally secure IP address; to give you sole access to your own UK Sofa.
We give you two options:
UK Sofa, and UK Sofa AP.
UK Sofa connects only the device you choose to use.
You can use any pre-existing local internet connectivity (e.g. WiFi or Mobile Data) and your location and point of connection both appear as a UK generated IP location.
The advantage of UK Sofa (compared to the AP version) is you can link to your “tunnel” without use of a local ethernet socket, the disadvantage is your connection is limited to just one device at any one time.
UK Sofa AP is a pre-configured WiFi Router which plugs in to any internet-ready ethernet connection, such as a socket on a pre-connected Broadband Router.
Our AP Router then uses the local connection to open your tunnel to the UK. Next, it opens up a WiFi Access Point (e.g. with a network name such as UKSOFAAPxxx). From any ( multiple) device/s you choose the network, add your password and your off – browsing as if sitting on your sofa in the UK.