As our name suggests, we deal with Telecoms, and have done for 35 years; but we are different.
We don’t “sell”, we advise……..
From providing your business with its first phone number, we’ll partner you through your growth, providing you with telecoms advice at every stage in your development; until ultimately you realise your business ambitions
Over recent months we have developed a unique range of services. For the first time we’ve include “Add-on-Modules”. These are designed to work with any existing phone system, allowing you to improve your system without throwing away valuable kit. All our services are designed to meet the needs of any business, irrespective of size or budget.
List of Services
To view a service just select the main menu drop-down option, or click on the service in the list below
- TWILIGHTCall Add-on-Module
- FREEDOMCall Add-on-Module
- NMCall Add-on Module
- Off-site SIP (Cloud) Service
We also like to advise, here’s why:
In the ’80s and ’90s competition was new, switchboards were expensive and huge; telecoms was a significant investment.
20 years ago, Telecoms advice was a necessity.
Telecoms today
- Calls are “free” or sold in bundles.
- Mobiles can cost less than a land-line.
- You can access a big switchboard, not by spending £35,000 but by renting one in a Cloud.
Telecoms has become easy and cheap – but is it?
Here are just a few of the many worrying facts we found included in normal contracts (Aug ’19) offered by today’s market-leading suppliers.
- A local call for one minute that costs £20 (up by 1,000%)
- 0844 charged at a staggering 20p/min. (up by 400%)
- New connection fees now add up to 20p extra per call.
- Rental contracts now automatically renewed for up to 3 years
Advice is now more important than ever
We have genuinely been surprised by the number of hidden costs found lurking in suppliers’s contracts. Cloud phone systems can be extremely useful (we frequently recommend them) but you also need to be aware of the secretive clause that are designed to cost you money.
Suppliers are still hiding their contract terms.
One admitted they don’t provide a copy at any time before sending the final sales agreement, another told us they did not have a copy on their website and only one other person (in 3 years!) had even asked to see them!
Sign a Contract without reading it and you deserve to lose money.
Our Advice is free.
We know the good and the bad contracts.